lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Tranquilo com a vida

Hoje em dia minha vida vai ser diferente
Calça de pijama, camisa listrada, sandália no pé
Andar pela praia vou fazer toda manhã
E até moça bonita vai ter se Deus quiser
Vou parar nos cafés pra ouvir historinhas
Coisas da vida que um dia vão ter que mudar
Quero ser um mulato que sabe a verdade
E que ao lado dos pobres prefere ficar

E assim vou eu
Assim vou eu, tranquilo com a vida
À espera da noite já solta no ar
Como um manto de estrelas com que se anuncia
E se multiplica nas ondas do mar (x2)

Da minha favela
Eu vejo os grã-finos
Morando na praia
De frente pro mar
Não devemos culpá-los
São prestigiados
Que um dia entre nós vão voltar a morar

E assim vou eu
Assim vou eu, tranquilo com a vida
À espera da noite já solta no ar
Como um manto de estrelas com que se anuncia
E se multiplica nas ondas do mar

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

.. Y feliz 2011

Pues eso, por actualizar un poco. FELIZ 2011

sábado, 16 de enero de 2010

Feliz 2010

Pasaba por aqui....y he pensado.....voy a dejar un saludo...

¡Feliz 2010!

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2008

All your suffering’s in vain

James - Tomorrow

I see you falling
How long to go before you hit the ground
You keep on screaming
Don’t you see me here
Am I a ghost to you
Now your grip’s too strong
Can’t catch love with a net or a gun
Gotta keep faith that your path will change
Gotta keep faith that your luck will change tomorrow

Why are you phoning
What am I to do when you’re miles away
You’re always calling from the darkest rooms and we’re both scared

Now your grip’s too strong
Can’t catch love with a net or a gun
Gotta keep faith that your path will change
Gotta keep faith that your love will change

Now your grip’s too strong
Can’t catch love with a net or a gun
Gotta keep faith that your path will change
Gotta keep faith that your love will change tomorrow

I’m just out of your range
All your suffering’s in vain

Now your grip’s too strong
Can’t catch love with a net or a gun
Gotta keep faith that your path will change
Gotta keep faith that your love will change tomorrow

I got out of your range
All your suffering seems vain
Change tomorrow
Some forgiveness now
Love’s no sacred cow

lunes, 30 de junio de 2008

Across the great divide

A Flock Of Seagulls - Wishing (If I Had A Photograph Of You)

It's not the way you look,
It's not the way that you smile.
Although there's something to them.
It's not the way you have your hair,
It's not that certain style;
It could be that with you.

If I had a photograph of you,
It's something to remind me.
I wouldn't spend my life just wishing.

It's not the make-up
And it's not the way that you dance,
It's not the evening sky.
It's more the way your eyes
are laughing as they glance
Across the great divide.

If I had a photograph of you,
It's something to remind me.
I wouldn't spend my life just wishing.

It's not the things you say
It's not the things you do
It must be something more
And if I feel this way for so long
Tell me is it all for nothing
Just don't walk out the door.

If I had a photograph of you,
It's something to remind me.
I wouldn't spend my life just wishing.

A Flock Of Seagulls - Wishing (If I Had A Photograph Of You)
Found at

jueves, 12 de junio de 2008

1er Concurso Twitter de Relatos Breves de Ciencia Ficción

Los componentes de 00:57 am han organizado el 1er Concurso Twitter de Relatos Breves de Ciencia Ficción. Como sabéis, Twitter es un servicio de microblogging; por lo tanto, el uso de esta plataforma como soporte para las participaciones hace del concurso algo original y estimulante. Hace falta estrujarse bastante las meninges para contar una historia disponiendo tan sólo de 140 caracteres.
Las bases del concurso están aquí, y las participaciones aquí.
Y éstas son mis propias incorporaciones.

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2008

La sonda Phoenix fotografiada por la Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

Impresionante. Impresionantísimo. Leo desde esta entrada en Microsiervos que la sonda orbital Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter ha logrado fotografiar a la sonda Phoenix durante su descenso sobre el Polo Norte marciano, el pasado 25 de Mayo.

La nota de prensa, aquí.

La sonda Phoenix tiene como misión explorar y estudiar la presencia de agua en el polo de Marte, y sus condiciones de habitabilidad, de cara a una futura misión tripulada al Planeta Rojo.