sábado, 18 de marzo de 2006

Fallas 2006: GUAU!

Aprovecho la ocasión para recordar a Ken Brewer (1941-2006)
excelente poeta y gran amante de los perros

Before humans, dogs flew everywhere
Their wings of silky furwrapped hollow bones
Their tails waggedlike rudders through wind,their stomachs bare to the sullen earth
Out of sorrowfor the first humans--stumbling, crawling,helpless and cold--dogs folded their great wings into pawssoft enough to walkbeside us forever
They still weep for us,pity our small noses,our unfortunate eyes,our dull teeth
They lick our faces clean,keep us warm at night
Sometimes they remember flyingand bite our ugly hands.

Kenneth W. Brewer

1 comentario:

GUM dijo...

Con esto del perro y el poema me he quedado frio